S Election
Supreme Court upholds First Nation election requirement, rules that Charter applies – Thorold Today
OTTAWA — The Supreme Court of Canada is upholding a rule that requires members of a Yukon First Nation to live in its community should they want to serve on its council. Cindy Dickson had been fighting in the courts to have that requirement declared unconstitutional because it means council members must move back to […]
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Read More2023 KIA Election Results
(December 12th, 2023) The Kivallig Inuit Association announces the 2023 Election results for President, Vice President and various Community Directors. Chief Returning Officer Monica Ell-Kanayuk announces that Kono Tattuinee was elected as President of KIA with 30% of votes, and Patrick Tagoona was elected as Vice President of KIA with 34% of votes. Community Directors […]
by ahnationtalk on
Read MoreStatement from Premier Ranj Pillai on the Assembly of First Nations election
Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement: “On behalf of the Government of Yukon, I am pleased to congratulate Cindy Woodhouse on her recent election as National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. “Throughout her career, National Chief Woodhouse has worked on improving the lives of First Nations Citizens through various positions within First […]
by ahnationtalk on
Read MoreGTC congratulates Premier-Elect Simpson
INUVIK – On behalf of the Gwich’in Tribal Council (GTC), Grand Chief Ken Kyikavichik offers his congratulations to Premier-Elect RJ Simpson and all of our new leaders of the 20th Legislative Assembly for the Northwest Territories. Putting one’s name and experience forward to lead is not a decision made lightly. We acknowledge the trust that […]
by ahnationtalk on
Read MoreStatement from Premier Pillai on the selection of the new Premier of the Northwest Territories
Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement: “On behalf of the Government of Yukon, I congratulate R.J. Simpson on being selected to serve as the Premier of the Northwest Territories by the Territorial Leadership Committee. “Building on our jurisdictions’ longstanding history of cooperation, I spoke with Premier Simpson on the phone yesterday to offer […]
by ahnationtalk on
Read MoreMedia Statement: R.J. Simpson Sworn in as Premier, Sets Course for a Prosperous and Collaborative Future
R.J. Simpson issued the following statement today after being elected Premier of the Northwest Territories (NWT): “I am honoured that members of the 20th Legislative Assembly have placed their trust in me to be the next Premier of the Northwest Territories. Excited to lead our territory at such a critical time, I look toward the […]
by ahnationtalk on
Read MoreStatement by the Prime Minister on the selection of the new premier of the Northwest Territories
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the selection of R.J. Simpson as the new premier of the Northwest Territories: “On behalf of the Government of Canada, I congratulate R.J. Simpson, who was selected to serve as the new premier of the Northwest Territories by the Members of the Legislative Assembly. […]
by ahnationtalk on
Read MoreIRC looking forward to developing improved relationships with newly elected and re-elected MLAs.
November 15, 2023 – (Inuvik, NT) Congratulations to all elected and re -elected MLAs, especially in the ridings of Nunakput, Inuvik Twin Lakes, Inuvik Boot Lake, and Mackenzie Delta. This achievement reflects the trust and confidence that the constituents have placed in you to represent their interests and work towards the betterment of your community […]
by ahnationtalk on
Read MoreA look at the big-ticket campaign issues for Indigenous voters in the N.W.T. election – APTN News
November 14, 2023 Residents in the Northwest Territories are heading to the polls today to elect their political representatives. APTN reporter Charlotte Morritt-Jacobs takes a look at some of the big-ticket campaign issues for Indigenous voters. Read More: https://www.aptnnews.ca/videos/a-look-at-the-big-ticket-campaign-issues-for-indigenous-voters-in-the-n-w-t-election/
by ahnationtalk on
Read MoreYellowknife candidates throw support behind Indigenous gov’ts at Dene Nahjo election forum – CBC
Nov 13, 2023 Dene Nahjo candidates forums focused on issues of concern to Indigenous people in N.W.T. At the last two candidate forums before the Northwest Territories election on Nov. 14, candidates threw their support behind Indigenous governments. The forums, which took place on Thursday and Friday, were hosted by non-profit Dene Nahjo at the […]
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