Board of Investigation (BOI) Resources
Date closing 2015/07/09 14:00 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Reference number PW-15-00684669
Solicitation number 21120-16-2046128
Region of opportunity Canada
Region of delivery Canada
Notice type Request for Supply Arrangement (RFSA)
GSIN R201D: Services of Individuals – Except Consultants
Trade agreement
Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)
Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement
Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement
Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA)
North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
World Trade Organization-Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO-AGP)
Tendering procedure Open
Procurement entity Correctional Service of Canada
End user entity Correctional Service of Canada
Board of Investigation (BOI) Resources
This requirement is for: The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC)
Trade agreement: Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT), World Trade Organisation-Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO-AGP), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)/Canada-Peru, Canada-Colombia and/or Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreements.
Tendering procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid.
Competitive Procurement Strategy: lowest priced compliant bid.
Set-aside under the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business: This procurement is not subject to any set-asides for Aboriginal Suppliers.
Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: This procurement is not subject to a Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement.
Security Requirements: This procurement includes security requirements.
Nature of Requirements:
The following is a summary of the statement of work for this requirement.
The Correctional Service Canada (CSC) has a requirement to investigate offender-related institutional and community incidents to ensure responsibility, accountability and transparency, and to enhance the ability of CSC to contribute to the safety of the public, staff and offenders by ensuring that:
• CSC takes appropriate action following an incident;
• The review and analysis of reports influence organizational policy and practices where appropriate; and
• That significant findings from investigation reports are shared in order to prevent similar incidents from occuring in the future.
The Contractor must provide the following resources on an ‘‘as and when required’’ basis and within short timeframes. The resources required are:
• Chairperson
• Community Board Member
The deliverables associated with the services may include but are not limited to the following, and will be specified in the RFP documents:
1. All working papers including but not limited to: Interview notes, Research notes, Draft version(s) of the Investigation Report;
2. A full description of the incident and the circumstances surrounding it, along with supporting documentation (including how, when, where and why the incident occurred, along with who was involved and what role each individual had with regards to the incident);
3. A full statement of duties of any servant or parties involved in the incident;
4. Statements from servants and other persons who witnessed or have knowledge of the incident;
5. Identification and documentation of any procedures, policies or other elements of the regulatory framework that were breached/violated;
6. Identification and documentation of any other issues deemed pertinent to the investigation;
7. Audio/visual recordings;
8. Physical evidence; and
9. A final Investigation Report which identifies the finding(s) of the investigation.
Expected Delivery Date: from date of SA Award to one (1) year later.
File Number: 21120-15-2046128
Contracting Authority: Alexandre Giguere
Telephone number: 613-992-9858
NOTE TO BIDDERS: Bidders can obtain the complete statement of work and evaluation criteria by ordering the solicitation document and associated documents from
The Crown reserves the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement.
Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada (English or French).
Given the nature of the requirements, proposals submitted by such means as facsimile or electronic mail will not be accepted.
After SA award, bidders may request a debriefing on the results of the bid solicitation process. Bidders should make the request to the Contracting Authority within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the results of the bid solicitation process. The debriefing may be in writing, by telephone or in person.
Access and terms of use
Government of Canada (GC) tender notices and awards, solicitation documents and tender attachments are available free of charge and without registration on, the authoritative location for GC tenders.
You may have received this tender notice or award through a third-party distributor. The Government of Canada is not responsible for any tender notices and/or related documents and attachments not accessed directly through
This Government of Canada tender notice or tender award carries an Open Government Licence – Canada that governs its use. Related solicitation documents and/or tender attachments are copyright protected. Please refer to the section about Commercial Reproduction in the Terms and Conditions for more information.
2046128_-_dama.pdf | French | |||
2046128_-_rfsa.pdf | English |
Contact Information
Contact name Giguère, Alexandre
Contact phone 613-992-9858
Contact address
340 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa ON
K1A 0P9
For more information

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