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NWT Reports on Climate Action and Energy 2023-2024

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by ahnationtalk on January 7, 202540 Views

January 7, 2025

The North continues to experience climate warming at a faster rate than the rest of Canada, adversely impacting our Northern ecosystems, infrastructure, and supply chains.  At the same time, the Northwest Territories (NWT) is facing the combined effects of energy price volatility and a longstanding infrastructure deficit, which impact energy affordability and security. The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) and its partners are answering this call to action, and the release of the 2023-2024 Climate Action Report and the 2023-2024 Energy Initiatives Report highlight progress made to mitigate GHG emissions and adapt to climate change.
Covering the period of April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024, these reports summarize advancements under the 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework and the 2030 Energy Strategy.

One main achievement in 2023-2024 is the collaboration  between the Departments of Environment and Climate Change and Infrastructure to support the five-year review of the Climate Change Action Plan and 2030 Energy Strategy. Entitled “Our Energy and Climate Future in a Changing World,” its findings will guide updates to NWT’s climate and energy strategies.

Environment and Climate Change Highlights:

  • The GNWT released the NWT Climate Change Risks and Opportunities Assessment, titled “Informing Our Resilience to a Changing Climate in the NWT.” This assessment identifies major climate challenges and opportunities for the territory in the next decade, providing a roadmap for partners to take climate action.
  • NWT Climate Change Library, an online hub for climate-related research, reports, and tools. provides open access to resources supporting efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change in the Northwest Territories.
  • The GNWT secured funding to establish a Community Terrain Mapper position (2024–2027) within the Northwest Territories Geological Survey to enhance terrain mapping capacity. This role will support community permafrost and geohazard mapping, aiding planning and construction.

Infrastructure Highlights

  • Progress toward the 2030 Energy Strategy: Significant advancements were made in reducing reliance on fossil fuels while ensuring affordable and secure energy for Northerners.
  • 2023-2024 Investments: $31.7 million contributed by the GNWT and its partners to advance the 2030 Energy Strategy vision.
    • Key Projects:
      • Programs and services delivered by Arctic Energy Alliance.
      • Commissioning of the Inuvik Wind Turbine.
      • Development of a fast-charging corridor for electric vehicles connecting communities around Great Slave Lake.
      • Development and upgrades of hydroelectric infrastructure.
  • Support for Energy Affordability:
    • $10.4 million allocated to programs aimed at reducing energy costs.
    • A $30 million subsidy provided to the Northwest Territories Power Corporation (NTPC) to offset the impacts of low water levels on electricity rates.

The report also outlines plans for a new Energy Strategy to contribute to the GNWT’s new net-zero emissions goal by 2050. This revised approach will propose an integrated approach to address the unique energy challenges of the NWT, including energy affordability and security.

Finance highlights

The NWT approach to carbon pricing is part of its commitment to the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. The Department of Finance is responsible for implementing the tax and recently released its annual report.

Moving Forward

In October 2024, the GNWT announced a commitment to achieving net-zero territorial GHG emissions by 2050. As the GNWT continues to implement its climate and energy strategies, it remains committed to renewing its Climate Change Action Plan and 2030 Energy Strategy as it revises its approach to energy and climate change.

Public and stakeholder engagement will shape the next phases of these plans, setting the North on a path to transition to a net-zero emissions future by 2050.


“The GNWT is working with partners across the territory to address climate change challenges. Through open access tools like the NWT Climate Change Library, we are sharing important climate information that will inform action and contribute to a more resilient territory.”

– Jay Macdonald, Minister of Environment and Climate Change

“The GNWT is committed to a resilient, sustainable energy future that prioritizes affordability and environmental stewardship for all Northerners. In 2023-2024, we continued to advance this vision through Arctic Energy Alliance programs, the delivery of the Inuvik wind turbine, and advancements in projects to upgrade and expand our hydroelectricity grids.”

– Caroline Wawzonek, Minister of Infrastructure and Finance

Quick facts

  • ECC and INF work with other GNWT departments, agencies, Crown Corporations, and external partners to advance climate change and energy initiatives across the NWT.
  • The average air temperature in the NWT has risen by about 2°C since the 1940s —more than twice the worldwide average increase.
  • Data from 2022, the most recent year for which data is available, shows that the NWT has reduced its GHG emissions by 22% since 2005.
  • The GNWT and its partners invested $31.7 million in 2023-2024 to support energy projects and initiatives across the NWT.
  • The Arctic Energy Alliance’s programs and services have resulted in 3,000 rebates and $500,000 in savings annually from residents across the NWT.
  • The GNWT spent $10.4 million in programs to support energy affordability through the Territorial Power Support Program, the GNWT Rate Equalization Program, and the Senior Home Heating Subsidy. The GNWT also provided NTPC with a $30 million subsidy to mitigate the impacts of low water levels on electricity rates.
  • A study commissioned by the GNWT and released in 2023 suggests the NWT is on track to meet its goal of reducing emissions by 30% by 2030, with an anticipated reduction in mining activity being one main driver.
  • In October 2024, the GNWT announced a commitment to achieving net-zero territorial GHG emissions by 2050.

Related links

For media requests, please contact:
Department of Environment and Climate Change
Government of the Northwest Territories

Infrastructure Communications
Department of Infrastructure
Government of the Northwest Territories


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