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Inuinnaqtun goes digital with launch of new dictionary app – Nunatsiaq News

by ahnationtalk on August 9, 202486 Views

Aug 9, 2024

Kitikmeot Heritage Society says it’s ‘one way to preserve our language’

Inuinnaqtun, an Inuit language spoken fluently by only a few hundred people across the Arctic, has gone digital with the launch of a mobile-based free dictionary app.

The app was envisioned by Cambridge Bay-based Kitikmeot Heritage Society, also known as Pitquhirnikkut Ilihautiniq or PI, which in Inuinnaqtun means “learning through culture.”

The software application launched in July. It includes a dictionary, a phrase book, and audio recordings with thousands of Inuinnaqtun words and phrases.

“Our vision is to preserve and promote more Inuinnaqtun revitalization amongst our youth and non-Inuinnaqtun speakers who would like to learn our beautiful language,” said Emily Angulalik, PI’s executive director and senior Inuinnaqtun language expert.

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