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Honour and celebrate the NWT’s Indigenous languages this February

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by ahnationtalk on January 30, 202525 Views

January 30, 2025

February is Indigenous Languages Month in the Northwest Territories. The Government of the Northwest Territories encourages residents to honour and celebrate the diverse Indigenous languages of the North this month by speaking them with pride.

The loss of Indigenous languages remains a significant issue in the Northwest Territories, which is why this February the Government of the Northwest Territories is honouring this key part of Northern culture. To support Indigenous language revitalization, let’s speak together this month; keeping Indigenous languages alive can be done by speaking them in homes, communities, schools, and at work.

Join the celebrations by speaking together in Dene Kǝdǝ́, Dëne Sųłıné, Dene Zhatıé, Dinjii Zhuʼ Ginjik, Inuinnaqtun, Inuktitut, Inuvialuktun, nēhiyawēwin, and Tłı̨chǫ. You can find free resources and learn more about the Northwest Territories’ official Indigenous languages here.


“Our shared vision of the Northwest Territories is one where Indigenous languages are spoken in all communities. The Government of the Northwest Territories recognizes the importance of supporting this vision to the best of our abilities, which is why we provide resources and opportunities to help both Indigenous and non-Indigenous residents learn the languages. It is everyone’s responsibility to keep Indigenous languages alive, so let’s speak them together this month.”

  • Caitlin Cleveland, Minister of Education, Culture and Employment

Quick Facts

  • Use the hashtag #IndigenousLanguagesMonth to stay connected on social media and make sure to check out free downloadable resources to help spread the word about Indigenous Languages Month.
  • The NWT is the only political region in Canada that recognizes 11 official languages. Of these languages, nine are Indigenous: Dene Kǝdǝ́, Dene Zhatıé, Dëne Sųłıné, Dinjii Zhu’ Ginjik, Inuinnaqtun, Inuktitut, Inuvialuktun, nēhiyawēwin and Tłı̨chǫ.

Related Links

For media requests, please contact:

Briony Grabke
Manager, Public Affairs and Communications
Department of Education, Culture and Employment
Government of the Northwest Territories
867-767-9352 ext. 71073


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