Government of Yukon announces new climate change actions, shares progress on Our Clean Future strategy
The Government of Yukon is committed to fighting climate change and is introducing 42 new actions to its climate strategy, Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy.
These new actions will be incorporated into the Our Clean Future strategy and implemented by 2030. They focus on seven key areas of climate action, including transportation, homes and buildings, energy, people and the environment, communities, innovation and leadership.
Overall, they contribute to the Yukon government’s four key Our Clean Future goals:
- Reducing the Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions;
- Supporting Yukoners to access reliable, affordable and renewable energy;
- Making sure the Yukon is adapting to climate change impacts; and
- Supporting the transition to a green economy.
The Government of Yukon is also sharing its third annual progress report on climate action. The Our Clean Future 2022 annual report details the government’s progress on Our Clean Future goals and targets, including progress on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and implementing the actions outlined in the strategy.
As outlined in the Our Clean Future annual report, the Government of Yukon implemented significant climate actions in 2022, including:
- introducing a new Clean Energy Act to legislate the Yukon’s greenhouse gas reduction targets;
- a new Better Buildings program to offer affordable financing for energy retrofits on Yukoners’ homes and buildings;
- establishing a geohazard mapping program to understand the risks from climate change to the Yukon’s transportation corridors; and
- making significant progress on Community Wildfire Protection Plans for communities across the Yukon.
Our government is committed to taking ambitious action now to adapt to climate change and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Today provides an important opportunity to assess the progress we have achieved so far and to envision how we can further advance towards our climate targets. I look forward to continuing to advance this important work alongside Yukoners.
Minister of Environment Nils Clarke
Across the Yukon, there is incredible work being done by Yukon First Nations, municipalities, businesses, industry and Yukoners to address climate change. It is critically important that we all take action now to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Through our collective action we can make the transitions to a green economy, adapt and build resilience. Together, we have an opportunity to reach our long-term goal of being net-zero by 2050 and leaving a cleaner, better future for all Yukoners.
Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker
Quick facts
- The 42 new actions added to the strategy are outlined in Appendix D of the Our Clean Future 2022 annual report.
- The 42 new actions added to the strategy were informed by:
- The Yukon Climate Leadership Council’s Climate Shot 2030 report (released September 2022), which provided advice on actions the government could take to further reduce the Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions;
- The government’s climate risk assessment report, assessing climate risk and resilience in the Yukon (released September 2022), which outlines seven priority areas to address to support the Yukon in adapting to climate change; and
- The work of the Youth Panel on Climate Change, who shared youth perspectives to support the government’s work on climate change.
- The 2022 annual report highlights the rolling average of electricity generated from renewable resources on the Yukon’s main grid over the past 25 years is 95 per cent. In 2022, 92 per cent of the grid’s electricity was generated from renewable sources.
- The 2022 annual report highlights that in 2021, greenhouse gas emissions, not including mining emissions, were one per cent above 2010 levels. They were four per cent above 2020 levels.
- Notably, under the Build a green economy section, per capita emissions for Yukoners reduced 13 per cent and per unit of GDP reduced 18 per cent from 2010 to 2021. These are significant indicators that the strategy is working.
- In 2023, further progress was also made on many actions. For example:
- the Mining Intensity Target was set at 45 per cent intensity reduction by 2035;
- the Yukon surpassed 300 electric vehicles registered and 1,000 rebates issued for electric bikes; and
- electric vehicle chargers were completed in Ross River, Faro, Mendenhall, Beaver Creek, and Burwash Landing allowing for travel between all road-connected Yukon communities.
# | Department | Action |
Transportation | ||
T29 | EMR | By 2025 review the electric vehicle regulatory regime and create a regulatory roadmap for Yukon zero emissions vehicle legislation |
T30 | EMR | Introduce additional rebates for low-speed electric vehicles and electric vehicles that support access to the land by 2025. |
T31 | EMR/HPW | Initiate a set of pilot projects by 2025 to test the use of renewable fuels for transportation, electricity generation, and heating in private and Government of Yukon assets. |
T32 | EMR | Reduce the life cycle carbon intensity of on-road transportation sold in Yukon, aiming for 30% by 2030 and align emissions intensity with BC’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard. |
T33 | EMR | Begin providing a rebate for medium-duty electric vehicles by 2024. |
T34 | HPW | By 2025, undertake a climate adaptation study to understand the risks imposed on the Yukon’s aviation infrastructure, operations, and maintenance from climate change. |
T35 | HPW | By 2025, develop a 20-year transportation network plan that incorporates emissions reductions and resilience in planning for future changes in transportation demand. |
E16 | EMR | By the end of 2025, an updated development plan and alternatives analysis for the Yukon-British Columbia grid connect project will be completed. |
E17 | EMR | Research a green hydrogen fuel demonstration project with a construction start of 2027 and operating timeframe of 2029. |
E18 | EMR | Continue to support development of micro-generation capacity in collaboration with Yukon’s public utilities. |
E19 | ENV | In collaboration with Yukon Energy Corporation, by 2027, undertake a study to improve understanding of groundwater in the Upper Yukon River Basin to inform decision-making related to hydro-electric generation. |
H31 | HPW | Develop and implement a recommissioning program by 2025 that focuses on energy efficiency and staff education for lasting performance improvements in Yukon government buildings. |
H32 | EMR | By 2023, incentivize fuel switching for buildings regardless of other retrofit upgrades. |
H33 | EMR | Create a funding program by 2025 for low-income Yukoners to switch from fossil fuels to smart electric heating systems. |
H34 | CS | Ensure that legislative barriers are removed so that buildings constructed after 2025 and 2027 are required to meet Tier 3 and Tier 4, respectively of the National Building Code of Canada 2020. |
H35 | EMR | Reduce the life cycle carbon intensity of heating oil sold in Yukon, aiming for 30% by 2030 and align emissions intensity with BC’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard. |
C19 | EMR | By 2027, establish a geohazard monitoring program for priority hazards identified through Our Clean Future around communities and along critical transportation corridors. |
C20 | CS | Identify and implement best practices and guidelines by 2027 to ensure community infrastructure is resilient to the impacts of climate change. |
C21 | CS | Plant 300,000 deciduous seedlings in high-priority forest fuel management areas throughout Yukon to transition landscapes to deciduous forest and reduce wildfire hazard by 2027. |
C22 | EcDev | By 2025, develop terms and conditions for business support programs, as well as departmental operating procedures, ready to be used in the event of a climate change-driven natural disaster in the Yukon. |
C23 | CS | By 2027, increase forecasting capacity by hiring a meteorologist and data scientist to improve available systems, digital tools and reporting structures for emergency preparedness and response in recognition of the increasing frequency, severity and impacts of fires, floods and weather. |
C24 | CS | Develop flood information platform(s) to inform emergency planning, response and other community needs, incorporating relevant data, advisories and local observations as needed, by 2028. |
C25 | CS | Review and update emergency preparedness communications that support household resilience to climate-related hazards including flooding, fires, landslides and power outages by 2025. |
C26 | EMR | In partnership with the Governments of Northwest Territories and Canada, complete a research project during 2023-2028 to understand the different impacts land clearing methods have on greenhouse gas emissions and soil health. |
C27 | EMR | Complete a research project by 2025 that evaluates low carbon livestock management approaches such as agroforestry |
C28 | EMR | Between 2023 and 2027, work with Yukon farmers and producers to complete at least three new or renewed Environmental Farm Plans per year. |
P15 | EMR | By 2027, design remote sensing methods and conduct at least two remote sensing pilot projects for improved forest resources inventory and for forest health monitoring. |
P16 | ENV | By 2026, work with First Nations and communities to address a gap in lake-monitoring to capture changes in water in order to support fish habitat protection and community safety. |
P17 | ENV | Starting 2024, deliver a series of safety on the land and hunter safety course in communities on an annual basis. |
P18 | ENV | Undertake geohazard and/or flood risk hazard assessments for Yukon campgrounds and other key public infrastructure in territorial parks by 2030. |
P19 | HSS | Analyze the contribution of health and social services to Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions, including medical travel by 2027, to inform the basis of decarbonizing or reducing Yukon’s health sector carbon footprint. |
P20 | CS | Provide portable clean air shelters for use in remote locations by 2026 to reduce negative health impacts to firefighters. |
I16 | EMR/Finance | By 2025, establish a business incentive program that reallocates 100 per cent of proceeds from the federal Output-Based Pricing System to support industrial facilities in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions intensity. |
I17 | EMR/EcDev | By 2025, undertake a needs assessment and related analysis to include the green labour market in the Yukon Labour Market Development Strategy. |
I18 | EMR | Conduct research by 2026 evaluating possibilities for supporting and incentivizing use of lower embodied-carbon materials and locally produced materials in Yukon homes and buildings. |
L17 | ENV | By 2030, finalize a net-zero and just transition plan in collaboration with Indigenous and municipal and industry partners. |
L18 | HPW | Incorporate climate change considerations throughout Government of Yukon’s asset management process for buildings by 2025. |
L19 | EDU | Integrate climate change into the current Yukon curriculum, and support educators in developing Yukon specific climate change courses by 2027. |
L20 | EDU | Implement a First Nations Credit Policy by 2024 to allow students to gain course credits for traditional and on-the-land activities to support connection to the land and the changing climate. |
L21 | ENV | Complete an assessment of wetland soil carbon reserves within priority watersheds by 2027. |
L22 | EMR | By 2027, establish at least 75 new forestry research plots to support research, planning and reporting on forest carbon stocks, potential biomass energy supply, forest health and forest fire risks. |
L23 | ENV | By 2024, work with various levels of government to develop guidance on greenhouse gas emissions accounting practices that support consistent, simple and transparent reporting of emission reductions. |
Media contact
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Kyle Nightingale
Communications, Environment
Holly Dalrymple
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources

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