Canada-Yukon Partnership will Provide Rent Support for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence
June 26, 2024
The Government of Yukon, in partnership with the federal government and the local not-for-profit community, has launched the gender-based violence stream of the Canada-Yukon Housing Benefit program. This initiative marks a significant step in the Government of Yukon’s approach to addressing gender-based violence and the ongoing commitment to supporting a more equitable society. The program will provide more than $2 million annually to help survivors of gender-based violence to obtain and maintain safe housing.
The goal of this program is to help Yukoners access housing so they do not need to return to an unsafe situation due to housing costs. The program will provide up to $2,000 per month for the first 12 months, followed by a gradually reduced benefit for an additional six months. This support aims to give recipients time to gain stability before they carry rental costs on their own. This program is open all year or until funding is fully expended.
Yukon survivors of gender-based violence can access the program by completing an application form available at or at any Yukon Housing Corporation office. Application to this program will also be available at participating not-for-profit organizations by mid-summer.
For information on how to apply and eligibility requirements, visit or contact Yukon Housing Corporation.
Our government is committed to supporting Yukoners facing gender-based violence. No one should have to stay in a violent living situation. We recognize how hard it is to make the decision to leave, and we want to ensure there are supportive and effective programs in place to help with this transition. Our government is proud to support this initiative and thank the Government of Canada for their partnership. Day in and day out, we will continue to work to improve the lives of Yukoners to help ensure their safety and wellbeing across the territory.
Premier and Minister responsible for Yukon Housing Corporation Ranj Pillai
The federal government has invested more than $4 billion in the Canada Housing Benefit to provide direct assistance to households in need. With this additional funding we are partnering with the Yukon to assist those who have experienced gender-based violence, including women, children and 2SLGBTQI+ people, find a safe and affordable place to call home.
Member of Parliament for Yukon Brendan Hanley, on behalf of Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Sean Fraser
This is an incredibly important program, and a step towards ending gender-based violence in our territory. Housing insecurity is a well-known contributing factor in the perpetuation of gender-based violence. People may choose to stay in a household where they experience violence and abuse if they are facing homelessness as an alternative. Access to safe, affordable housing is one of the priority action items identified in the Yukon’s Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-spirit+ People Strategy. The gender-based violence stream of the Canada-Yukon Housing Benefit program will support the survivors in regaining their autonomy and economic independence.
Deputy Premier and the Minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate Jeanie McLean
Quick facts
- Gender-based violence is a significant and complex issue in the Yukon, with rates three to four times higher than the national average. Over 61 per cent of Yukoners have experienced at least one physical or sexualized assault since the age of 15.
- The annual funding of $2 million will provide support to approximately 55 households.
- The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation is providing $1,036 million which is being cost-matched by the Government of Yukon for a total of $2,072 million in the first year with slight increases each year over the next four years.
- An NGO, selected through an Expression of Interest process, will administer up-front benefits that include supports for moving fees, security deposits and up to two months of rent.
- Gender-based violence is defined as violence that is inflicted upon a person or persons due to their gender identity, gender expression or perceived gender. It takes many forms, including physical, economic, emotional, sexual, and is not limited to intimate partner violence.
- Housing supports can provide significant gender-based violence interventions to ensure Yukoners do not return to unsafe living arrangements.
- Gender-based violence disproportionately affects Indigenous women, 2SLBGTQIA+ people, women of colour and newcomers to Canada, as well as women living in Northern and rural communities.
- The federal funding portion of the gender-based violence stream is in addition to $14 million committed to the Government of Yukon for gender-based violence prevention initiatives through the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.
Media contact
Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications
Jason Seaton
Yukon Housing Corporation

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