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Call for Applications for Baffinland 2020 Scholarships

by ahnationtalk on June 30, 2020413 Views

June 29, 2020

Education and training is an important part of Baffinland’s commitments to the North Baffin communities. We support and encourage the pursuit of post-secondary education and recognize the importance of learning and development as a pillar to the ongoing development of the North Baffin communities and all of Nunavut.

The five, $5,000 scholarships are awarded on an annual basis for Inuit enrolled under the Nunavut Agreement and pursuing a post-secondary education. The study area of scholarship recipients evolves every year to reflect the emerging needs and trends of the extractive industry in the north.

For 2020, five scholarships, in the amount of $5000 each, will be awarded in the following areas:

Open to Nunavut Inuit enrolled under the Nunavut Agreement. Priority will be given in the following order:

  1. Inuit applicants from Sanirajak (formerly Hall Beach), Igloolik, Clyde River, Pond Inlet, Arctic Bay
  2. Inuit from the Qikiqtani region
  3. Inuit from the rest of Nunavut

How to Apply
Click here for the 2020 Post-Secondary Scholarship Application form and Guidelines.

Application Deadline
The deadline for applications is Friday, July 31. If applications are received after this deadline, they will not be considered.

For more information, please contact:

For more information regarding our scholarships, please email or reach out to one of our Baffinland Community Liaison Officers.

Inuktitut News Release here


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